Základní škola Sztrž ve Dvoře Králové > Vzdělávání > základní školy > ZŠ Schulzovy sady

Zhodnocení projektu Edison na ZŠ Schulzovy sady

Redakce, / 15.02.2018, Dvůr Králové nad Labem, zsschulzovysady.kralovedvorsko.cz
V rámci projektu Edison naší školu již počtvrté navštívili zahraniční studenti, a to konkrétně z Číny, Vietnamu, Taiwanu, Indonésie, Egypta, Ruska a Turecka. Byla to skvělá příležitost jak využít naše jazykové schopnosti, dozvědět se nové informace o ostatních zemích a navázat nová přátelství!

FOTOGALERIE - Týden s „Edisony“ na ZŠ Schulzovy sady

Ve škole vedli zahraničné hosté hodiny v anglickém jazyce, kdy nám zábavnou formou představovali svou zemi. 
Ve čtvrtek bylo pořádáno projektové dopoledne Global Village, kde měl každý student svoje „stanoviště“. Této akce se zúčastnili žáci celé školy. 
Také jsme si společně prošli naše město, navštívili zoologickou zahradu a zahráli si bowling. 
Někteří z nás jsou se zahrničními studenty stále v kontaktu. 

Chtěli bychom moc poděkovat za tuto příležitost a doufáme, že se projektu zúčastníme i příští rok!

Johana Chroboková

A jak projekt hodnotí zahraniční hosté?

I loved my each class of day spent in your best school ever and the awesome friendly Czech people, hope be friends for life.

Ahmed Solymann, Egypt

I think that I faced and met the kindest Czech people ever. I will never forget every one minute which I spent here. I thank you everyone, especially our buddies: Alexandr, Vaclav, Matthew, Andrey and the guy who won the bowling two times.

Ayşe, Turkey

This school is great! When I was going to have my first class here, I was worried that students wouldn’t understand me, but the children are really smart! I was impressed by every person and student. The atmosphere is so great! It was a huge honour for me to stay here. My buddies are really great. Also I made friends with every buddy who helped us. They are awesome! I’ll miss this school, these people and this week.

Vlada, Russia

I enjoyed in here. The teachers are nice. The canteen was good and I loved the food in this school. The buddies were friendly – Matey and Eric. I like the headmaster, he was so kind to all of us. Thanks to everyone, I hope we can meet each other again.

Yahya, Indonesia

The students here are really cute and active. Teachers and buddies are really friendly and I had a good time here. Thank you very much.

Liz, China

The students are shy, but I can feel their passion during the classes and they are cute. You guys treat us just like a family. You prepare a lot of fruit and desserts, the drinks as well. Thank you so much.

Jean, Taiwan

‘What do you love about Czechia so far?’ There are a lot of students and teachers asking me that question. And the answer always: ‘Czech people, definitely’. I love people here. All of students, teachers, strangers I’ve met on the street are really kind, friendly and nice to foreigners like me, especially for Asians. I always appreciate for all the time I’m in the Czech Republic. The way people treat each other teaches me how to become a good person, how to become a better version of myself. Thank you so much!!!

Grace, Vietnam

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